Ghost and Poltergeist Information
Sept.10 1999 By Judith Cook
Spirit or ghost hauntings are taking place now more than ever before in history.
Ghosts or Spirits(as I like to call them) are
people who have died and no longer have physical bodies
this world.The energy of their soul or spirit is what I
believe are most commonly called Ghosts. They are either
trapped here in the physical world as we know it because
they do not realize they are dead or they are afraid to
move on.I do believe that once a soul has learned the
reality of their conscious state they are free to move
between worlds and visit loved ones at will.Some even
in dreams to deliver messages to the living. The dream
state is when the conscious mind is totally relaxed and
more susceptible to receiving the message.Some spirits
like they have unfinished business. Maybe a tragedy or
injustice had been the cause of their death and they want
someone to know the truth! And last there are the spirits
who I believe cherished life so much that they just can't
bear to leave the physical world.They just stay behind and haunt familar places.
There have been stories about
ghosts or spirits since the dawn of time. Sighting's of
these spectres, have through the
centuries, had their periods of acceptance and have at
times, been grounds for insanity and banishment from
society.In Scotland, locals have told stories of hauntings for hundreds of years and the people accept
stories and sightings as part of everyday life. I think
Britain is coming around about the possibilities of
hauntings being real. The United States, with the help of The
New Age Movement is starting to be more open minded about
the possibilities that there might be something more to
phenomenon than the ramblings of the feeble minded.This
mindset has been a long time in coming. In the late
and early 1900's there was a movement known as
"Spiritualism" which focused on the contact of spirits
ghosts. Although most considered this a parlor game,
were a significant number of followers who took it very
seriously. Spiritualism seemed to fade with the great
depression of the 20's. Whether it was that people could
no longer afford to use their time to contact the dead or
that the movement lost its appeal is not known for
sure.The resurgence of the interest in the paranormal now might
be a sign of the prosperity in our nation or an
that our curiosity has opened our minds to possibilities
that there are still phenomenon that even the most
brilliant scientists can not
POLTERGEIST.....These entites you usually do not
see, seem to have the capability of moving objects
either though thin air or taking the objects with them
for periods of time to materialize later.They are almost
always mischievous but can sometimes be
dangerous.Poltergiests are attention getters.Poltergiest's have been known to throw objects through the air,open and slam doors and cubbords,move objects around the room,turn on and off appliances,and leave water running in sinks and tubs. According to a lot of researchers Poltergeist's
almost always appear where there is an adolescent
The theory is that somehow either the poltergeist feeds
off of the high psychic energy of children just reaching
puberty,or the adolescent some how channels their energy
through the poltergeist subconsciously, in order to
manifest the hauntings.
are the
spooks that you can visually see either looking as real
as you and I or seeming see through.These spirits can
be seen as a white almost shapeless mist.They
almost never seem aware of the living. They go about
business in an almost routine matter.They also seem to
only materialize when there is absolute calm and
quiet.These kinds of spirits are more rare in my
opinion.They do not look like 'casper'. Some just look like a haze or light mist,some actually have a shape.Some of these spectres look as real as you and I.
AUDIO GHOSTS.....These spirits are
of making sounds of all kinds.Some of the more boisterous
ones rattle chains and howl and scream.Some talk out loud
as if trying to get a message across to the living world.
Some cry or moan. These may be faint sounds seeming to
come from nowhere or ear deafening sounds that seem to
echo from everywhere at once. These are some of the most
interesting cases to me. I encountered one of these who
was capable of actually vibrating pictures on the walls
with the sounds it made. Window panes also rattled by the
sheer sound! Amazingly enough, some phenomenon
can only be heard by sophisticated recording
NOTE.....I believe that it is a very rare
instance that a spirit possesses more than one of these
traits. Maybe as in life, people usually are given
gifts or talents, somehow in death, they are more
at one of the kinds of communication.
ORBS.....Orbs are balls of energy that fly through the air at sometimes amazing speed and sometimes slowly enough for people to see them with the naked eye.Orbs are photographed more and more all the time. Before understanding that orbs were entities they were mistaken for camera anomolies often.Orbs are often the cause of swirled streaking in photographs.
DEMONS..... Demons might be confused with ghosts but are
NOT! These are evil entities which have
never been human but instead are sent to earth by Satan
torture and torment humans. Demons are some of the most
dangerous kinds of entities! They are here to open a
doorway to hell.Demons can use very deceptive practices to
gain trust and to lure humans into Satan's domain. Demons
have what I consider unlimited power and are pure evil!
These entities can present themselves in human form but
more often present themselves as some hideous distortion
of humans. Demons often present themselves as some kind of
horrifying beast.Be VERY afraid of these entities!!!They
can do great physical harm to you and your family.DO NOT
take these entities lightly!!!
souls of humans that have reached their soul's maturity
and have learned all of the life lesson levels. They are
oneness with all, Angels are assigned to EVERY human to help
achieve the learning of the life lesson that they are
to learn this time.Every human has an angel!! Angel's
mostly guide humans down the path necessary to learn a
particular life lesson. They may be very subtle or
pronounced in their guidance. All "Angel's" are sent from
what most humans know as
If you would like to contact me you could email me directly at:
I would love to hear your experiences with ghosts or just your comments!
Thanks a lot!